Aaron Wilms

Aaron Wilms

"He who is centered radiates calm and serenity , properties that are useful in everyday life, but which are essential for survival, especially in times of uncertainty and high stress."

Coach & Seminarleiterin von Nature is calling Aaron WilmsKinesiologe,Projektleiter Veranstaltungstechnik,Mental Trainer, Coach &Meditationslehrer

Diving into the depths of being

Through my study of applied, western humanities and eastern experiential sciences, I bring together the knowledge of both worlds to support you with transformative, body-centered methods. Values such as authenticity and empathy are at the core of my work to support people in their authentic selves and to facilitate sustainable positive change on all levels. In a value-free space, I enable you to experience a state of openness, trust and serenity, where you experience connectedness and clarity and can dive into the experience of deeper levels of your being.

Dissolve fears & burdens sustainably

Belastende Erfahrungen und Trauma werden in Form von Spannungen oder Blockaden in unserem Körper abgespeichert. (Psychosomatik)

Durch eine Kombination von Entspannungstechniken und körperzentrierter Arbeit helfe ich Dir diese „Altlasten“  aufzuspüren, zu transformieren und loszulassen. Dadurch wird blockierte Energie wieder frei, alte Muster und Emotionen gelöst und Leichtigkeit wiederhergestellt.

I assist clients with transpersonal coaching, bodywork, as well as meditative techniques from various traditions:

Schmerzen, Blockaden, Psychischen Beschwerden, Suchtverhalten, Sinnkrisen, Lebenskrisen, Burnout, Kopfschmerzen, Migräne, Herzbeschwerden, Chronischen Beschwerden, Rückenschmerzen, Gelenkschmerzen, Rheuma, Immunsystem stärken, Berufswahl, Lernschwierigkeiten, Stress, Energiemangel, Hautproblemen, Essstörungen, Schlafstörungen, Asthma, Trauma, Allergien, ADS/ADHS, Depression und depressive Verstimmungen, Ängsten u.v.m.

Healing of your spiritual, energetic, emotional/mental as well as physical body so that you can find your essence and go through a self-determined life with ease.


The different methods I work with offer an effective way to consciously and sustainably let go of blockages and tensions that we often carry around with us every day. Overcoming these personal limitations and burdens creates space for clarity, new insights and healing. Through a strong connection with our body, our feelings and our authentic self, we achieve inner peace, confidence and serenity. Accessing expanded levels of consciousness connects us to our intuitive knowing, creates trust in inner guidance and allows us to experience a free and authentic state of being.

Angewandte Methoden:

EMDR, EFT, Affirmation, Body Resonance, Emotion Code, Neurographic, Chi Gong, Mindmap, SMART-Zielfindung, Focusing, Kinesiologie, Body Talk, Akupressur, Meditation u.v.m.


Aaron Wilms

CH- 8253 Diessenhofen, Museumsgasse 5,
Mobile: +41 79 750 69 85

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